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Air Fryer Hamburgers


Pan-frying has nothing like homemade Air Fryer hamburger patties! Even frozen patties turn out tasty with just a little extra cook time!

Tips for Perfect Hamburger Patties

  1. Ensure you use meat with a little bit of fat (80/20) so the burgers stay moist.
  2. Use a meat thermometer to check the thickest part of a patty (160°F).
  3. Appliances can vary, check your burgers early to ensure they don’t overcook.
  4. Frozen burger patties can be cooked in the air fryer, you’ll need to add about 5 minutes.
  5. The hamburgers can be frozen with parchment paper between each patty. They’ll keep about a month in the freezer.


About Time 

  • Prep Time 15  mins
  • Cook Time  8 mins
  • Total Time  28 mins

Go to the next page to get the Ingredients
